They've market-tested the Markets, free-sample tasted the Markets, they know the Markets, they play the Markets, they understand the Markets, they believe in the Markets, they mutually co-exist with the Markets, they make it up on the spot - it's a carefully rehearsed shtick, there is no remainder, no remainders it's all fresh off yon rickshaw, a gentle reminder squire - my back-pocket, if you must in me palm or have you heard of the Hoxton kiss? We drink in The Macbeth, what a fuck ing boozer!
"Broadway Market manager, James Ó Nuanáin, 32, compares Broadway Market to Ridley Road Market: “I think it’s more like Ridley than any other market [in Hackney], but a little bit posher, so it doesn’t compete with Ridley. It’s a little bit more expensive but a similar sort of thing – you’ve got clothes and you’ve got food.”
When asked if local people use the market, Ó Nuanáin says, “Well – locally living people … we’ve got cheap fruit and veg, and there are plenty of deals on the market but it is perceived as the Marks and Spencers…”
“…Rather than Morrisons,” says Alistair Maddox, 23, Ó Nuanáin’s assistant.
“In many ways we would rather do a Ridley Road here but if we were doing a Ridley Road thing here then all the people round here that use Ridley Road or Chapel Market would be coming here instead so it would hit those markets, ” says Ó Nuanáin."
It's a diabetic tightrope, a dianetic balancing act these 2 boys are doing single-handed, Jake-the Pegged, spinning plates (or go Green & eat it out of yr hands), in the here & now, not there, here, where? Here, go there if you want but expect the Broadway Market Community to shun you you scab, pariah, organick turn-coat!...4 the benefit of all of us in North London really, just to get the Markets dead right, well not 101% right, that's the beauty of it really, honestly, why else would we be doing this? It's hard gfraft! You lot just like to moan & organick carp, you never do anything! Smile! Want a taste? No, no probs. Yr barred! Only joking squire...where do you live, just doing a Broadway Market Community User Survey - Baron Alan Sugar palmed us 5k out of his Sustainable Confidence recycled-101% Mandelson-Ordure-Hors D'oeuvres-Potty-Tractatus-Logico-Philosophicus: Make up what is the obviously the case if there weren't a hardcore of persistent naysayers & traitors; & yr postcode please? Tick A, B or C - Aaagh]Do you Love. Blah]Really Love. Coxcomb] Wish the whole of the world was like {or if you prefer, just was) - Broadway Market. Attila the Hun]Tick as many boxes as you feel appropriate. Borgias] Tick-Tock the mouse ran up the clock. Carswell] - Tic Attention Deficit...pardon?
Like Jacques Derrida & Cousteau - 2 words or 2 winkles - but 2+2 does not equal 4! Everything is in motion, matter is in motion, the price of organick bread can not and will not remain the same. Only connect! Broadway Market is and is not like Ridley Road, there's no getting away with it, no way round it, no 2 ways about it...
And these 2 entrepreneurial big-hitting latter-day non-identical 11 years difference Kray twins have big-plans! Think Stan Laurel, Cary Grant & Stephen Fry, running off to join the circus, they've been trawling Eastern Europe for new acts to organick the stalls...Dragons with 1 eye of the tiger and 1 of the eagle, they want things with a bit of pizazz! Draculaaaa! Something a bit different to yr run of the organic-heritage-restored-at-tax-payers-expense-hand-
pumped-mill-on-the-floss-outskirts of Hebdon Bridge (sans skirts) produced £5 loafs. Those are yr basics, for the locals, what is needed now is something more than the annoying banality of that double-bass boy, bring on the jugglers! Play with fire! Ladies & Gentlemen! At no expense, behold the future of Broadway Market!
The Kings of the Schnorrers!