Subintimal wire dissection is a well-established method for traversing difficult vascular occlusions.

- Daddy?

- Yes Son.

- Where is the coconut man Spirit?

- Like Zeus on Mount Olympus, Spirit lives in the sky, he's gone to the place that is best, he's having a well-deserved rest, perched upon yonder Stamford Hill. I know that he is looking sagely & benignly down upon us as I speak. We who have inveigled his workplace & environs & once he was out of the way shamelessly created & traded on his mythic reputation & are now stacking them on their edges...Son, he fondly calls us all his Broadway Market Community of Total Rarseclarts! What an inspirational spiritual spirit Spirit is!

- (Organick, Olympic, Broadway Market he knew & loved & schlepped past with his boyhood comrades Maurice Mcklewhite & Earth Kitt , Heritage, Pinter pause)


- Yes!

- Why are there so many stalls selling cheese in the market?

- Good question son. Listen & Learn! You won't get this taught to you by those commy-pinko's at the UBS Bridge Academy I can tell you! I overheard the 2 Gaffers who manage The Market who everyone adores & who are the Dead-Sea-Scrolls-of-the-Earth say, "You can never have enough cheese stalls on a Market geez! 1 day soon they're gonna cum in fucking handy know what i mean!"

- (101% natural longueur) I don't get it, why Daddy?

- Lookshutthefuckupwillyouyrnotevenmineyoulittlebastard! (quickly runs finger across throat, rolls eyes & distends tongue )

- Aaaaaaaaagh!!!