Spirit owns Broadway Market!

I was one of the natural philosophers who came together under the aegis of the Invisible College which later became the Royal Society of London with the motto:

Nullis in verba - take nobody's word; see for yourself

So, watching my new Spiritual confidante Graeme Archer's epic speech at the Conservative Conference over & over & over again, 1 out of many memorable phrases stuck, struck.

"In the immortal words of Kevin Costner - Build it and they will come!"

Delivered with such passion, these words certainly deliver the kind of high octane Organic smoothie available on Saturday mornings up and down Broadway Market!
Not having heard of Kevin Costner, I eagerly looked the said thespian up and sought to discover rationally the sustainability of the source of Graeme's immortal just on time delivery.
Horror! The Horror! Check, double-check, triple-check...veracity,veracity, veracity! Graeme manipulated the original quote for his own designs! The quote from the fillum (a fillum that features lots of men wielding 18 inch lengths of wood for no good reason I could understand) The Field of Dreams, is actually:

"If you build it, he will come!"

Why has Graeme dissembled? What is the meaning of this flagrant disregard for accuracy? Not 'they' Graeme, HE! HE! It's as clear as the organic quince on your face what this means! There can only be 1 HE - Spirit! Build it and HE will come! Spirit will come to Broadway Market! Spirit will return! When though? It must be soon...

Will Spirit return to Market this Saturday? Perhaps. But more likely surely is Easter Saturday! 3rd of April 2010. Spirit borne aloft amongst all his flock! A triumphant return to his home, his kingdom on earth! To come and hence never to leave!
Build it and he will come!