I was born and come out of the Spirit of Enlightenment & Theodor Adorno's criticisms notwithstanding, I'm as happy as a grass-reared pig in organic shit with the cut & thrust of polemic & as Roy Bhaskar called it - Dialectic: The Pulse of Freedom.
So I'm glad that Andrew RealOne Veitch has responded to a comment I made on the Hackney Citizen website (scroll down). I have subsequently replied and am looking forward to plumbing the depths & uncovering the nebulae of Andrew Veitch's learning.
As his website explains - "His fields of expertise are medicine, the environment and chemical, biological and nuclear weapons."
Splendid! A perfect polemical partner for Edmond Halley! And with those areas of expertise entirely suitable to represent Broadway Market...
Oh, and just as I was returning this morning from the market with my daily loaf of bread, a young woman bumped into me blushing, made her apologies & moved on. I thought nothing of it until taking my waistcoast off upon my return, I found a floppy disk that somehow had found its way into my underpants! It had a post-it note stuck on that just read:
James Ó Nuanáin & Alistair Maddox - The Gaffers!
(Play in wide-screen)
And then this video was all that was on the disk. I am unclear as to its meaning & intention. Is it to do with this? Can anyone help me?