Ian Duncan Smith appointed Work or Else & No Pensions Secretary

I know I've been out of circulation for a few hundred years & that I come from an altogether more penetrating, serious, scientifick, philosophical, cultured, enquiring, not 101% alienated turkeys voting for Xmas, period of human (& otherwise) herstory. But I keep hearing the following statement by the media's assorted Senior Political Correspondents:

"People seem to forget that politicians are human beings as well."

Could anyone enlighten me as to what this means? Is it under the cover of a platitudinous cliché', actually a detourned Situationist slogan, exposing politician's as metamorphosed Kafkaesque bugs? Adroitly sealing off any chance of change or radical democracy, because it's the law of the jungle that 101% of human beings once they become politicians (as well as human), turn into dogs eating dogs. So best just sit back and watch and not get involved. As I type, a screaming against the sky, landing burning all the bridges - The UBS Bridge Academy - I can see Stephen Pinker in my minds eye,
licking the index finger of his right claw and making a North to South vertical motion in the air. 1 nil to us! Game over. A smirk, rifling electrical rain, genetically lighting up his luxurious, Renaissance-pomaded, slate blank, Chubb locks. An end of herstory Eyjafjallajokull throwback.