Citizens, I'm back! Many apologies for the enforced absence. Much to tell. I was requisitioned upon an instant by the worlds leaders, to demonstrate my hollow earth theory in tandem with my diving bell and put the volcano out in Iceland!
So many adventures in the last month, I can't wait to tell you all!
It's not all been good news though. Far from it. Mary has ignominiously cold-shouldered me, well more than cold-shouldered told me I'm 'sick' and to never speak, look or...what else is there?...again.
She's joined a new post-feminist movement that, like Stacking™, is sweeping Broadway Market!
Led by a gnomic enigma, shrouded in mystery - Looser Summers, Mary has thrown me out of what has been my Live/Work space since the 17th century & has thrown open her doors to this Post-Feminist commune. With massive financial backing from Ann Summers (rumour is that Ann is none other than Looser!) & The Avon Ladies. They are calling themselves the Avon Pink Pamper Party!
Summers has started her own blog - Cattle and Mutton & is attracting a lot of interest from the likes of Andrew Boff & Hackney Independent. Apparently she's a safe pair of hands, doesn't mind taking a back seat position but is quietly & ruthlessly climbing the greasy pole...
You wouldn't recognise my old place. The place where I discovered My Comet, amongst other ground-breaking enlightenment discoveries, has been exorcised of what Looser Summers in her hugely popular txt manifesto:
R U cumfrt? Chanj's Wong! L8rs!
Via Feng Shui. They threw all my papers & research, everything defenestrated out of the window & straight to the bottom of the Regents Canal!
I am on my uppers. But I am not defeated. I am sleeping at the moment in a skip on London Fields & living on some really quite delicious cheeses. Trouble is on the weekend all the 30 something coke heads get into the skip for a wheeze and talk dilettante rubbish all night & morning & afternoon & evening & night & morning & afternoon & evening & night & morning.
So undeterred, I am writing this on one of the few remaining thingamajigs that let you look at the web & send emails for free. You know you get them at stations and wherever. There must be a catch bu