Sometimes I read 2 things @ once. It seems churlish and disrespectful in the extreme not 2 dive into cut-up geniuses like Laurence Sterne, William Burroughs & Bavid Dowie & fully integrate them into one's own split, spliced, fractured, chopped & ravaged quotidian interpassivity.
So today on a whim I carefully planned to randomly pick up Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher & the March 2010 edition of Hackney Neighbourhood News - Your local policing & community safety newsletter.
And proceeded to read them out loud whilst moonwalking across the Regents Canal in a prototype diving bell I've constructed, in a preliminary rehearsal of a potential reenactment of the leader of the Agapemonites, John Hugh Smyth-Piggott, who had some fifty 'soul brides', proclaiming himself the new Messiah in front of a hostile crowd of Hackney locals in 1902, being challenged to prove this by walking across Clapton Pond.
In 1690, Halley built a diving bell a cable-suspended airtight chamber, open at the bottom like a moon pool structure, that is lowered underwater to operate as a base or a means of transport for a small number of divers. The pressure of the water keeps the air trapped inside the bell. Halley suffered one of the earliest recorded cases of middle ear barotrauma.
I have a bad ear now but it was worth it! Although this was a complete coincidence, this was synchronicity, this was serendipity, I planned it, this was: The art of living underwater: or, a discourse concerning the means of furnishing air at the bottom of the sea, at any ordinary depths + Some consideration's about the cause of the universal deluge + An easy demonstration of the analogy of the logarithmick tangents to the meridian line . . . containing the solution of a curious problem, relating to navigation, proposed. (source)
The results? No results? Of course not, I'm a scientist!
This is in part a consequence of the inherent resistance of certain processes & services to marketisation. (The supposed marketisation of education, for instance rests on a confused and underdeveloped analogy: are students the consumers of the service or its product? [More of that to follow EH])...What we have is not a direct comparison of workers performance or output, but a comparison between the audited representation of that performance and output. Inevitably, a short-circuiting occurs, and work becomes geared towards the generation and massaging of representations rather than to the official goals of the work itself. (p42, Capitalist Realism)
Crime in Hackney at a ten-year low
Mayor of Hackney, Jules Pipe said: "I welcome the latest evidence that crime is continuing to fall...While statistics might seem remote from people's lives, a drop in crime figures represents fewer victims of crime." (p3, Safer Hackney March 2110)
"This reversal of priorities is one of the hallmarks of a system which can be characterised without hyperbole as 'market Stalinism'. What late capitalism repeats from Stalinism is just this valuing of symbols of achievement over actual achievement." (p42/43, Capitalist Realism)
a drop in crime figures represents fewer victims of crime
a drop in crime figures represents fewer victims of
a drop in crime figures represents fewer victims
a drop in crime figures represents fewer
a drop in crime figures represents
a drop in crime figures
a drop in crime
a drop in
a drop